Getting Better and Better

Takenaka Bento has long been dedicated to helping preserve Mother Earth with reusable bento boxes and accessories that keep plastic out of landfills and utilizing PET bottles to further help the cause. We are excited to announce that we are continuing our efforts in sustainability by also creating packaging that is 100% recyclable. 

Now through 2023, we will be rolling out new packaging across all of our items with the goal of becoming more environmentally friendly and furthering our mission of creating beautiful, sustainable items. We have already made significant strides in creating reusable items loved globally and are excited to continue our reach. Check out some of the ways we’ve already made an impact below!

1% Pledge:

Every month we donate 1% of our online sales to organizations who have worked hard for our communities, planets, and people. Previous recipients include: Feeding America, She Should Run, Stop AAPI Hate and No Kid Hungry. To date, we donated thousands to these organizations!

Keeping Landfills Clear: 

Our bentos and accessories utilize recycled PET bottles and help keep landfills clear. Each bento you purchase helps with the cause! Purchasing just one bento can keep up to EIGHT bottles from being improperly recycled. With your help, we all help our planet.

Better Eating, Less Waste: 

With our reusable items, customers can plan better, eat better and dispose better. Meal planning and less eating out helps cut down on waste and keeps you healthy!

Takenaka Bento is committed to bringing the best out of our planet and out of you!